Finally I found something to tide me over until I can go to Ortiz's back home.
Today I had three classes: Black & White Photography, Digital Imaging, and Theory of Art; my largest class having nine students and my smallest having four (and I thought Loma had small classes!)
I'm actually really enjoying them so far. They don't feel like normal classes with the small amount of students and conversational style lessons. But I am learning alot about not only the subjects themselves but also about the other students in my classes and even a little about myself.
In my first class (with the sweetest teacher named Maria who is actually from Greece. She was shy at first but very impressive with her English and likes to throw in bits of humor when you least expect it) I was able to use the darkroom! I've never been in one before, and it was exactly as I pictured with complete darkness except for a few red lights, some machines and three chemical trays. I was able to make some basic prints using my necklace, a few twigs, and some light-sensitive paper. They turned out pretty incredible for being my first ones. I love it in there, it felt so peaceful and natural that I lost all track of time. Maria said that "the world could be burning outside" and we would have no idea.
My next class Digital Imaging (which I was late for because some classmates and I went and grabbed Crepes for breakfast:) seemed the most similar to previous classes I've taken, but it's photography so I'm not complaining. We're even going to take a few field trips to take pictures, it all sounds right up my alley. Excited to brush up on my Photoshop skills.
Art Theory class turned up being the most surprising. Our teacher is taking almost a psychological approach and all we did today was go around in a circle and tell the group who we are as "artists", what we're working on, what struggles we face and what inhibits us from making art. She does such a great job validating every one of us and we all left feeling better about ourselves and what we're passionate about, while knowing each other just a little bit better. Nothing like an art class I would have taken at Loma.
On a completely unrelated note, last night I experienced my first black out here. It was raining a good deal yesterday (the drainage here is horrible by the way) and then last night the power just went out. Luckily I brought a flashlight (thank you Nana) and a group of us gathered together in the communal kitchen so when the power returned at about 9pm we made dinner that consisted of mashed potatoes, veggies, rice, and strawberries (guess which one I contributed).
My first homemade meal since I've been here.
Also, I finished my online traffic school! Thank goodness those ridiculous facts they hid in my lesson to make sure I was reading are over. I mean do I really need to know where the traffic school author used to live, or that cows are called ruminants?
Here are a few pictures, sorry I've slacked on taking more considering the weather's been kinda crappy:
Carried these all the way back from the grocery store.. |
Our blackout dinner |

Nana was very pleased the flashlight was helpful. I love gyros (but I get the shaved beef, very yummy). We have a couple favorite Greek restaurants here in PB to keep you going when you get home!
ReplyDeleteBut...late for class because you're eating out? Yes, this must be a food blog.