
So I have jumped on board with this blogging trend, and am excited to see where it takes me

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Getting ready!

If I've realized anything about myself, it's that I tend to put off all the important details until right before things need to be done. For example: I'm studying abroad in Paros, Greece in about 3 weeks, and still have countless little things to do before I go. Not to mention a couple big things such as taking care of my first speeding ticket, and figuring out housing for next year.
But another realization I've made is that freaking out helps nothing.
So I've made a (lengthy) list, and plan to accomplish an item each day.
Or maybe one every two days would be a little more realistic.

I've had some Easy Learning Greek CDs in my car for the past month. Have a few simple words down, but let me tell you, the "easy learning" part of the title is a lie. And I'm usually pretty good with learning new languages. I know once I get over there, I'm going to accidentally bust out some Spanish or ASL and look completely stupid. But it's okay. I'm sure there will be plenty more moments of stupidity while I'm there. And that's what this wonderful blog is for, documenting all the memorable moments along my journey.
Still can hardly believe I'm going...curious what jet lag is going to do to me. I'm currently practically nocturnal, so will the time shift be easier or harder? Or maybe just the same? I'll find out soon enough.

With all the many emotions that are being raised with the coming of this experience (nervousness, slight panic of leaving family and friends for 3 months, but for the most part excitement of this new adventure) I have been learning to trust God with even the smallest of details.
Prayer appreciated!

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