Last week was one of beautiful hellos, of community dinners with fellow students or family, going out dancing in the evenings, and time spent at the beach! I've been so blessed by the visitors that I've met, as well as the ones that remind me of home:) It was so much fun having my parents here to be able to see what my life has consisted of, to show them around and have them be able to put names to faces. I even got an Easter basket! (That candy and the acai berries that were brought didn't last very long...)
Can't believe there's only a few weeks left until I leave for SD! And countdown: 9 days until Italy!!
This time is going to fly by, especially with the amount of projects for school I'm swamped with!
P.s. Here's a video I made for my digital imaging class (when we went a field trip to an abandoned beach).

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